We are proud to announce that our current full-length feature film was shot in the prestigious High Definition (HD) format. For those of you not familiar with HD, the movie "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" as well as "Spy Kids II", "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", and other major studio, big-budget movies have also been shot in this stunning format.
Our complex and multi-layered story is of two people who meet under unusual circumstances and accompany each other on an unlikely adventure. Romance and mystery offset the dramatic perils of their journey to create a tightly woven and fast-paced tale that will keep you guessing until the very end.
A jaded observer once declared "it's all been done before!" We at Three Frame Entertainment certainly hope not. Like a drill boring into virgin soil in search of precious resources, we feel our story boldly taps into an area of filmmaking that has not yet been explored. |